"Enrichment for life"
Welcome to the new school year and to Year 4!
Myself and Mrs Allen are looking forward to the exciting year we have ahead of us and hope you are as well.
Miss Kent
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed spending the night at school camping out in tents in the hall. They had an evening of fun games and activities with a space/star theme.
Our project for this half term was to investigate the process of making bread, we then experimented with different flavours, flour and styles before making our own bread rolls.
In our English lessons we have been focusing on using the story of 'Roman Invasion a British Boy in 45AD' as inspiration for our own diary entries and narratives.
We are focusing on animation this half term in our computing lessons. We have been exploring making animations online using the laptops and different software as well as making animations in real life.
At the end of Year 4 we will have our MTC (Multiplication Tables Check) so don't forget to keep on practicing your times tables in Garage and Studio mode.
Here we are combining our learning using maps for both our mountains topic in Geography and our orienteering skills in PE.
This term we are putting our musical skills to test by learning to play the ukulele!
At the start of the year the whole school focused on the wonderful stories written and illustrated by Anthony Browne. In Year 4 we looked at the book 'Gorilla'.
Using the story as inspiration and the emotions of the main character Hannah we painted emotion timelines of the story. We also drew self-portraits wearing the iconic hat, bow-tie and coat the Gorilla wears.