"Enrichment for life"
Welcome Back after your Easter Holidays. I hope you had a lovely time and are keeping well and safe. Our new topic for this half term is called Urban Pioneers. This is just some of the things you can look forward to.
Hop on the bus and take a trip downtown where the lights are bright, and every street has a story to tell. Explore with fresh eyes the art of the city, then capture a moment in time – perhaps a reflection on a building or a shadow passing by. Make a map of your home town and find out how things have changed. Has time changed town life for the better? How could you improve the urban environment? Maybe add more colour? More light? More things to do, or perhaps a plaza with a comfortable bench or two? Or maybe, like Emil, the city astounds you with its sights and sounds and people rushing by. Now light up the city with creations of your own – a statue, a light show, a monument or street art. The possibilities are endless. What will you choose? You’re an urban pioneer, so get ready to go.
I will try to deliver the work to you in a similar format as I would in class. Below is a document for the whole week. Monday to Fridays work is listed and dated. Each day contains English, math and a reading activity and then 2 other pieces of work. I have adapted the lessons to make them accessible at home but some lessons may need to be completed when out on your daily exercise walk, but remember to follow government guidelines please, your health and safety is important.
I will be available throughout the day via class dojo to answer any questions and i will upload answers to any work questions e.g. maths and reading at 4pm each day on class dojo.
I can't wait to see your fantastic work Year 3, you are all amazing. Keep it up!