As part of our topic this half term, we went to Chelmsford museum for a Stone age to Iron age day. Firstly we participated in a timeline activity and cave art painting. We discussed about how they made their colours and different pigments they used to bind their paint. We had a chance to create our own master pieces. In the afternoon, we had a go at role playing what life for a stone age family would be like, using artefacts to develop our understanding. We finished the day with soap knapping to create our own axe head or arrow head. This was hard work and time consuming but lots of fun!
In Dt we created our own cave art paintings. We covered a piece of card in pva glue, then we placed it in a tray of sand. We did this to create a rough surface, similar to a face of a rock. Once it was dry, we went outside to collect natural resources to use for our tools when painting. Then we used different items such as twigs and grass to paint onto our sand paper.
In history we worked as a class to the order the events, that happened during the stone age, onto a giant timeline. We discussed what BC and AD stood for, as well as discussing that events in AD start at 1 and get smaller but in BC the event with the largest number goes first and works backwards because there is no 0.