
Water Lane Primary Academy

"Enrichment for life"

Year 4

Government News

Dear Parent/Carer/Student,

Over the weekend, the government updated information on remote learning, by announcing a national learning resource.

Students are free to access this resource if they finish the work I have set and would like more to do.

The BBC also launched their education programme this morning.

Get the whole family involved with science, mathematics and engineering through this amazing website.  They have lots of videos with clear instruction of how to carry out scientific investigations.  Please let me know, via DOJO, if and when you access it and what you thought.

Easter Activities
Additional Home Learning Resources
Home Learning


World Book Day
Stansted Aerozone - STEM Visit


The children have been using balance and sequencing within gymnastics.  During this lesson, the children were working together to mirror each other.  We had some great shapes! 

Animals including humans

We have started to investigate how our digestive system works together with all the specific organs necessary for this process. 
In English, the class have written some wonderful fact files about their chosen Science topic and supported these with neatly labelled diagrams of the teeth or the digestive system. 

In Science, we have used mirrors to look inside our mouths to find our molars, premolars, incisors and canines.  Presently, we are investigating the effect of different drinks on our teeth.  We used hard boiled eggs to replicate the enamel on our teeth.  Soon, we will explore the results of numerous drinks and how tooth decay can be prevented with good oral hygiene.

Weekly, the children have been enjoying their music lesson with Mr Eastwood.  Their progress in mastering the chords have been highly praised by their teacher.  They sound professional and listen to instructions given.  At the moment, we are perfecting the chorus for Justin Bieber's "Love Yourself."  Be prepared for some early Christmas present requests!