
Water Lane Primary Academy

"Enrichment for life"

Year 4


As a reward for having the highest attendance for the month of May Year 4 were treated to morning being creative with clay.

Virtual Reality Space Exploration

Year 4 were fortunate enough to experience space using VR headsets learning about our Solar System and the different features of each planet. 


Using Monet's 'Water Lillies' as inspiration we each created our own impressionist landscapes. For the background of our pieces we used ready mixed paint which allowed us to blend our colours together and for our water lillies we used acrylic paint as it adds texture and has more vibrancy. 

We have been learning the rules of cricket and practicing our technique resulting in a class game umpired by Mr Evans.

Electric circuits

Science week - spinners

We each investigated paper spinners and how to adjust our designs to create more or less aerodynamic models to test.

Bread Box Prototypes

Using our research about different types of bread we each created our own product and designed the packaging.

Throughout home learning Year 4 took part in 'Daily Challenges' promoting their creative, ingenious and problem solving skills. 

Self portraits

Will it float?

Name Items - Can you guess who?

Photo Illusions

School Logo Challenge

Christmas Craft Afternoon

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed making oil pastel silhouette cards and sparkly snowflake pipe cleaner baubles.

Christmas Lunch

A massive THANK YOU from Year 4 to Ms Bannister, Ms Pisula and Ms Bradley for our delicious Christmas Lunch!

Roman Shield Homework

Invertebrate Investigation

In our Living Things and their habitats science topic we have been grouping, sorting and classifying all living things according to their characteristics and features. Using this knowledge we went outside into the playground to find and identify different invertebrates.


Our Design and Technology topic this half term is Quizzical Quilting. Mrs Taylor was kind enough to bring in some quilts she had made for the class to look at and see each stage of the quilting process.

Computing - Animation

We have started looking at how to create our own animations.

We each made the simplest form of animation we just an image of a bird and a cage.

Year 4 curriculum showcase

We hope you enjoy our end of half-term curriculum showcase!

Ukulele Lessons

This term we are fortunate enough to have Mr Eastwood teaching us how to play the ukulele.

Wallpaper Printing

Our Art and Design focus this half term has been on the work of William Morris a well known wallpaper designer and artist. Using his work as inspiration we have designed our own nature inspired wallpaper patterns. To practice the technique of block printing we are using potatoes before carving and etching our polystyrene tiles.


Part of our PE lessons this half term has been focusing on our football skills - controlling the ball, making accurate passes, working as a team and techniques to intercept and gain control from opponents. 

Scratch Programming

We have thoroughly enjoyed learning and tweaking our own games using Scratch thinking about accessibility, appeal and being user friendly.