"Enrichment for life"
As a reward for having the highest attendance for the month of May Year 4 were treated to morning being creative with clay.
Year 4 were fortunate enough to experience space using VR headsets learning about our Solar System and the different features of each planet.
Using Monet's 'Water Lillies' as inspiration we each created our own impressionist landscapes. For the background of our pieces we used ready mixed paint which allowed us to blend our colours together and for our water lillies we used acrylic paint as it adds texture and has more vibrancy.
We have been learning the rules of cricket and practicing our technique resulting in a class game umpired by Mr Evans.
We each investigated paper spinners and how to adjust our designs to create more or less aerodynamic models to test.
Using our research about different types of bread we each created our own product and designed the packaging.
Throughout home learning Year 4 took part in 'Daily Challenges' promoting their creative, ingenious and problem solving skills.
We have started looking at how to create our own animations.
We each made the simplest form of animation we just an image of a bird and a cage.