"Enrichment for life"
In this unit, children learn about how humans and other animals are born, grow and change, and what we need to survive and be healthy.
Children classify different kinds of animal babies, learn about the basic needs that are shared by humans and animals, and research the differing needs of animals within our care. Focusing their own experiences, children explore the need for humans to eat a varied diet, to keep themselves clean, and to take regular exercise.
Throughout the unit, the learning materials encourage children to make positive choices that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
This is the link you will need to access the video clip of 'Something Fishy' for your learning.
These documents include everything you need to complete your learning and writing.
There is also the ongoing learning resources on the other page which includes Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar assessments, handwriting activities and phonics for those who may need it for retakes.
Please continue to use these methods and create your own calculations for the four operations.
We have a different maths challenge for each day which are included below. Please also carry on with the ongoing learning and select an arithmetic paper, maths skills or activity mats to complete each day.
Don't forget to log in and practice on Times Tables Rockstars!
Garage mode to practice and progress as you become secure in each table and Studio mode to see your time improving.