
Water Lane Primary Academy

"Enrichment for life"

School Travel Plan

We are very proud to hold the Modeshift Stars Green and Bronze Travel Plan awards and pride ourselves on our continuous commitment and promotion of safe and sustainable travel.

Together, as a whole school community, we help to promote road safety and sustainable transport by running competitions and also helping to tackle parking and congestion issues.


We actively encourage our pupils and staff to walk, scoot or cycle to school as this:

  • keeps us fit and healthy
  • helps our pupils develop vital road safety skills which will keep them safe as they travel further afield and more independently
  • helps keep our local air clean, and our streets free from congestion
  • develops life skills that everyone should be able to benefit from
  • improves fitness and contributes to part of the recommended daily exercise of an hour a day
  • encourages us to socialise with other children and parents
  • is fun! Play games on route e.g. how many red cars you see on the journey
  • supports mental health and well-being


What we do at Water Lane Primary Academy:

  • We use Modeshift STARS to update and monitor our school travel plan
  • We promote safe and active travel as much as possible by using our noticeboard, displays, newsletter and website
  • We encourage all members of our school community to walk, cycle or travel by public transport for the journey to school. To support this, we provide:
    • Cycle training (Bikeability)
    • Scooter training
    • Cycle parking
    • Scooter parking
    • Public transport information
  • We let all new pupils and their parents/carers know that we promote healthy and sustainable travel to school before the child starts at our school


Bike and Scooter Racks

Bike and scooter racks are provided on site so that bikes and scooters can be left during the day. These are situated outside the EYFS, Year 1, Year 5 and Year 6 classrooms. While we cannot take responsibility for bikes, scooters and helmets left on the premises, the racks are behind gates that are secured and locked during the school day. Bikes and scooters can also be locked to the rack if desired.
