"Enrichment for life"
We believe breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day.
Especially for children; as they need to be ready to learn from the
moment they step through the classroom door.
Our Breakfast Club serves a variety of choices each
day as well as cereals and juice.
Food is served between 8:00am – 8.20am.
(Children arriving after 8:20 will not receive breakfast.)
Children then have about 10 to 15 minutes to socialise
before they go to class.
Mrs Allen and Mrs Bannister manage breakfast-time
but the teachers pop in and interact with the children as well.
Breakfast Club costs £2.50 per session, per child. All payments must be made at least 12 hours in advance using the online Arbor system.
We are unable to offer credit facilities, so only children who have booked and paid in advance will be able to attend. Booking will need to be made through Arbor.
There is no facility to use the breakfast club provision as an ‘as and when’ service.
There is no charge for breakfast club for children who are eligible for free school meals/pupil premium.
What’s for Breakfast? |
Monday & Wednesday: Toast with choice of toppings
Tuesday & Thursday: Toast/crumpets with choice of toppings
Toppings: butter, raspberry & blackcurrant jam,
chocolate spread, honey, marmite or marmalade
Friday: Spaghetti hoops or baked beans on toast & sometimes scrambled eggs
Cereal and fruit juice is also available everyday