
Water Lane Primary Academy

"Enrichment for life"

Easter Pack

Wishing you all a happy and safe Easter Time!


From Miss Kent, Ms Williams, Ms Poggio and Miss Andrews 

These are just some ideas of possible craft activities which are Easter and Spring themed.


If you haven't got the suggested items/resources then get creative!

If you haven't got paint then draw around hand prints/foot prints and colour them in with pencils/felt-tips/crayons.

If you need coloured tissue paper but haven't got any then use tissues or coloured paper or cut up old magazines/newspapers/leaflets.

If you haven't got glue then use celotape or a stapler.


It doesn't matter what you use or how you use it just get creative and have some fun your children. 


Don't forget to share your pictures and work with us all on Class Dojo!
